Adventure Overland Show

The event’s new Media Partners … Overland Journal Europe and Expedition Portal

Great news! We are both delighted and privileged to announce that the Adventure Overland Show has finally adopted a Media Partner, this being the highly respected publication Overland Journal *.

Encompassing all forms of overland travel, a renowned specialist publication such as Overland Journal is exactly what the show has been seeking since Day One (2012 to be precise).

In fact it’s the very reason we as organisers have never approached the monthly high street periodicals! Tempting though it may have been to jump in feet first, to choose just one 4×4/Land Rover/adventure bike/expedition truck/camping/bushcraft/travel magazine would have been impossible.

The Adventure Overland Show after all covers all these aspects of adventurous travel and a whole lot more.

Overland Journal too spans ALL modes of transport and associated interests … life beyond the paved road if you like! Their description of ‘overlanding’ sums up their target market perfectly – “Vehicle-supported, self-reliant adventure travel, typically exploring remote locations and interacting with other cultures”.

In fact the positivity doesn’t stop there. Also joining us is the journal’s sister magazine Expedition Portal *. An online e-magazine dedicated to the very same subjects dear to our hearts, globally it now boasts more than 40,000 unique users per day – by far and away the biggest platform for adventurers worldwide!


In media terms you could say the Adventure Overland Show has landed ‘scoop of the year’, that’s how important this announcement is.





* Overland Journal:

A perfect-bound magazine printed on high-quality stock, the journal is published five times per year. From a premier-issue length of 96 pages, we have increased to the current 136 pages. Our 30% advertising content cap is well below the national average and ensures ample editorial space for in-depth coverage of equipment and vehicles, as well as full-length feature trip stories that span the globe. Our strict standards for writing and photography, in addition to our striking layout, means that our subscribers receive an expedition and adventure travel magazine that is at once inspiring, informative, and attractive. Our extremely high readership satisfaction level allows us to offer an unconditional guarantee.

NOTE: Overland Journal Europe is available in English and German editions.

* Expedition Portal:

Expedition Portal is a community of adventure travelers, where the primary means of exploration is by 4wd and motorcycle. Founded in 2005 by Scott Brady, CEO of Overland International, Expedition Portal is operated by a team of experienced adventurers, our staff having completed expeditions on all seven continents. With the growing popularity of overland travel, Expedition Portal has expanded in membership and content to represent the single-largest repository of online overland resources on the web. This includes 3,000+ feature editorials, 100,000 community members and over 1.5 million forum posts. Most know us as ExPo.

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